Tuesday 8th February 2022
2022 Newsletter (Jan/Feb)
Belated Happy New Year to you all
(Apologies this was supposed to be the January Newsletter but that month disappeared in a flash!)
2022 Membership
Just to remind you all that the membership renewal date is now the 1st April annually. The membership forms are currently being updated and will be attached to the next Newsletter as well as being available for you to download from the website from March.
We need to ask ALL members to fill a membership form and email over to Maurice via membershipsec@saundersfootsailingclub.org.uk at renewal, so we can ensure we hold the right contact details and boat information for everyone.
(With the exception of the rowers whose details are sent via WBRC)
2022 Dinghy Park Charges:
Our charges have been static since 2017, apart from the merging of the slipway and park fees in 2018 which was an adjustment rather than an increase.
The committee agreed an increase in each category of £20.00.
Our fees from 1 April 2022 will be:
Kayak up to 4.1 metres £ 90
Kayak over 4.1 metres £100
Cruiser tender £105
Dinghy (optimist) £110
All other dinghies £130
FYI Harbour annual charges from 1 April 2022:
Single kayak/canoe £135 Double £154 Tender £175
Dinghy Park
We are delighted that Keith Jones has kindly stepped in and taken on the role of Dinghy Park Coordinator, he has bought a fresh enthusiasm to the project and he, and this team of helpers, have made some significant improvements already.
Please note a number of boats have been temporarily moved to clear working space, most will be returned to their spot or be given a new home shortly.
All Club boats are being relocated to the slipway side, existing racking has been adapted & upgraded to take the Opi’s and Topper’s. The single sculls are now all together on the far side. New racking will be purchased and installed on the decking side to house the increasing number of kayaks, with ground level storage for additional sailing Dinghies and Tenders.
Below are pictures of a number of boats that we think have been abandoned, please can we ask you to check the pictures carefully – if one of these belong to you, or you know who they might belong to please can you let us know ASAP.
NO.1 NO.2
NO.3 NO.4
NO.5 NO.6
NO.7 NO.8
NO.9 NO.10
NO.11 NO.12
NO.13 NO.14
NO.15 NO.16
Note Dinghy Park Charter rules will be followed in the disposal of unclaimed crafts
Coppet Week
Date for your diary:
Coppet Week will be held week commencing Saturday 28th May 2022
The Coppet subcommittee (Paul, Dave P, Keith & Maurice) will be looking for volunteers to support the event in many different roles – more details to follow, but please mark the week in your diary as we would love to have a “better than ever” event following two very difficult Covid years.
With another committee meeting on the 7th February, we will issue another Newsletter towards the end of February to update you re further Club news, Grants, new boats & hopefully an update on upgrading the training fleet.
Kind regards, and look forward to seeing you all back on the water soon.
SSC Committee