Saundersfoot Sailing Club West Wales sailing club with dinghies and yachts Osprey 1328 For Sale Built by Hartley Laminates in 2007 FRP construcƟon. Dark Blue hull with 2 mains (one loose footed) Genoa and Spinnaker Includes :  Super Spars Carbon Mast & Boom – refinished in 2023  Full set of serviceable sails, Speed genoa and mainsail with a “small” spinnaker.  Tidy and neat layout inside  Combi trailer and trolley all in good condiƟon  Nearly new top cover Ready to race, not sailed in 2024 More photographs available on request. Colle... buy and sell 2025-02-05 13:35:07 GMT Welcome to Saundersfoot Sailing Club’s Coppet Week Regatta 2025 Please have a read through this years Race Notice, we look forward to welcoming past and new competitors for this years Coppets week Regatta. The social team has been busy preparing a full social calendar, the provisional social events for the week are: Saturday 24/5 Briefing in the Bar Sunday 25/5 Bring your Own Takeaway Monday 26/6 Mexican Night Tuesday 27/5 Quiz Night & 200 Board Wednesday 28/5 Buffet & Band (Footbridge) Thursday 29/5 Presentation Evening Friday ... Coppet Week 2025-02-03 20:29:39 GMT Welcome to Coppet Dinghy Week 2024 Sunday 26th May to Friday 31st May Welcome to Coppet Dinghy Week 2024 Sunday 26th May to Friday 31st May ... Coppet Week 2024-05-23 10:29:06 GMT Sailing Instructions for Coppet Dinghy Week 2024 Sunday 26th to Friday 31st May 2024 Sailing Instructions for Coppet Dinghy Week 2024 Sunday 26th to Friday 31st May 2024 ... Coppet Week 2024-05-23 10:23:47 GMT SAILING PROGRAMME 2024 Please have a look at the documents for the schedule of races, Social sailing events, and OOD duties   ... dinghy 2024-04-10 13:49:25 GMT Entry form for Coppet Dinghy Week 2024 Entry Form Coppet 2024 ... Coppet Week 2024-02-18 20:52:39 GMT Coppets Week 2023 50th Anniversary Report Saundersfoot Sailing Club celebrated a great milestone last week, the 50th anniversary of Coppet Week, our annual regatta. 52 crews signed up to race in what turned out to be incredibly close and competitive sailing, with wall-to-wall sunshine and wind conditions to test all abilities. As the racing is held over the late May holidays the seaside resort of Saundersfoot in West Wales was buzzing with visitors. The atmosphere was also felt in the club house during the evening social events which... Coppet Week 2023-06-10 08:00:50 GMT Coppets Week 2023 - Race Results - Pursuit Race On the last day of sailing the pursuit race started on a glorious morning in  Saundersfoot bay, wind was F2 / F3 southerly and was won by Ospray Carpe Diem (Saundersfoot SC | Dave Griffiths | Maurice Clarke) ... Coppet Week 2023-06-07 11:29:45 GMT Coppets Week 2023 - Race Results - Race 5 It was a gorgeous day to be racing in Saundersfoot bay today, we hope that you enjoyed the sail. More fine weather and wind from the South, good clean start and soon the fleet was stretch out over the triangular course with the gybe mark out from Wisemans beach Please find the provisional results at the end of the main series attached. Please reply with any questions that you may have promptly so that we can review these. ... Coppet Week 2023-06-01 19:28:15 GMT Coppets Week 2023 - Race Results - Race 4 Southerly wind moving west as the race was getting going, a few fleet recalls and a course reset later the fleet was off. The wind slowly  dropping over the course of the race and patchy in place. Good result for Saundersfoot boat RS200 Rockstar, followed in by a Tenby Osprey Dan and Matt and the ever-present Quicksilver ... Coppet Week 2023-06-01 07:08:17 GMT Coppets Week 2023 - Race Results - Race 3 Great day for racing, just a good level of wind to keep the boats moving at a good pace, 50 boats on the start line ... Coppet Week 2023-05-30 19:42:53 GMT Coppets Week 2023 - Race Results - Race 2 There was a bit of a squeeze at the start at as the wind had shifted making the shore bouy favourable, The wind started dropping gradually during the racing and continued moving about a bit so make for great technical racing show by all. ... Coppet Week 2023-05-30 07:55:05 GMT Coppets Week 2023 - Race Results - Race 1 The first day of racing was quite eventful with a good F4 gusting F5. The wind was forecast Northerly direction but it was shearing of the headlands so was deviating around quite a bit. The fleet all started cleanly and headed out on a port triangular course, there where a few capsizes and retirements before the start gun and this continued on during the racing. Great racing had by all, Osprey Odeline clinched the win followed by Merlin Rocket Qucksilver and Blaze Blue Whale ... Coppet Week 2023-05-29 09:15:10 GMT Welcome to Saundersfoot Sailing Club’s Coppet Week Regatta     We are delighted that you are able to join us for the 50th edition of this popular sailing week Saundersfoot Sailing Club extends a warm welcome and honorary membership to all competitors and their families and guests during Coppet week and we hope that you will enjoy your time here with us here in Saundersfoot   Many of you will have been here before but for any new competitors just a few points to note – the main clubhouse is situated on the harbour where c... Coppet Week 2023-05-23 21:08:41 GMT Coppet Week at Fifty A long time ago on a beach not extremely far away, a group of sailors and their families from Greensforge Sailing Club set in motion a chain of events which has led to what is one of the best family sailing weeks there is and has become a mainstay of the sailing and holiday season at Saundersfoot. Courtesy of Covid no racing took place in 2020 so we are in the strange position in 2023 of marking both the fiftieth anniversary and the fiftieth running of the event, so double the reasons to celebra... Coppet Week 2023-05-23 21:05:15 GMT SAILING PROGRAMME 2023 Please see attached PDF ... dinghy 2023-05-23 09:48:54 GMT Race officer Guide 2023 RACE OFFICERS GUIDELINES FOR CLUB RACES RUN from RESCUE BOAT  These guidelines are intended to be used for club racing with less than 12 boats when running a race from the water. ARE WE RACING TODAY? • Check the weather and shipping forecast the previous day and again before arriving at the Club. • Get there early, at least an hour before the start. You will need to bring your own race stop watch and a mobile phone, together with sensible clothes a drink and a snack, y... dinghy 2023-05-23 09:46:59 GMT Dinghy Racing and Social Sailing 2023 We hope that you are all well and have survived the winter weather. We are now looking forward to the spring/ summer and to getting out on the water. Dave, Keith and I have created a draft sailing programme for this year, a copy is attached. What we are trying to achieve this year is to get as many of you out on the water as possible in a variety of craft be it sailing dinghies, sailing cruisers, rowing boats/sculls, kayaks or paddleboards. Club Racing You will see from the attached prog... dinghy 2023-05-23 09:29:20 GMT Coppet Week 50th Anniversary Regatta Sunday May 28th – Friday 2nd June 2023 Sunday May 28th – Friday 2nd June 2023 Who would have thought that a small event started by Greensforge Sailing Club would have gone from strength to strength and that we would now be celebrating our 50 th anniversary of this popular event . We sincerely hope that you are able to join us again this year and we are pleased that we are able to put this event on again and we are sure that this year’s event will again be a successful one. We have a full sailing programme with as... Coppet Week 2023-01-17 16:12:23 GMT Saundersfoot Sailing Club Branded Clothing Friday 22nd July '22   Saundersfoot Sailing Club Branded Clothing is now available through Andrea Plester ( via Tees R Us. ... press 2022-07-22 21:17:54 GMT