Dinghy Racing and Social Sailing 2023

We hope that you are all well and have survived the winter weather. We
are now looking forward to the spring/ summer and to getting out on the
Dave, Keith and I have created a draft sailing programme for this year, a
copy is attached. What we are trying to achieve this year is to get as
many of you out on the water as possible in a variety of craft be it sailing
dinghies, sailing cruisers, rowing boats/sculls, kayaks or paddleboards.
Club Racing
You will see from the attached programme that we still have conventional
club racing on 12 weekends and we are hoping to see as many of you as
possible taking part. If you haven’t taken part for some time or are new to
sailing ,but just want to have a go then please let one of us know and if
you want to “learn the ropes” then one of the best ways would be to join
one of us either in one of the dinghies or helping out on the safety boat
as we run the races.
Social sailing/sail training
If racing is not so much your cup of tea then we have 9 other weekends
where we will be running more informal sail training sessions with some
social sailing and perhaps some short fun races where you can join one
of the more experienced dinghy helms or have a go yourself if conditions
We will have a safety boat overseeing the sessions and again helping out
on a safety boat is a good way to take part and to see what is going on.
In these sessions we are open to people trying out all sorts of craft be
they dinghies, rowing boats or paddleboards as well as the Club boats to
include the Zests which were new to us last year
We will be in touch with you again shortly but if you need any more
details or just want to chat to one of us before than please get in touch.
We look forward to speaking to you soon

Dave (Sail Training) principal@saundersfootsailingclub.org.uk

Download: dinghysailing2023.pdf