Club Update February 2022

Wednesday 16th February 2022


Zodiac Sale

Sale of the Zodiac rib completed. Terms agreed with
buyer from North Wales, who has asked that the club replaces the road trailer
bearings. Phil will fitted the new bearings before collection,  Bills from 2013 onwards traced
and will pass with the boat.

Leaky Roof

Neville with Phil in support  investigated
further. They will lift the ridges one day next week, having acrylic paint and
good quality sealant to hand. Will aim to reshape where ridges have buckled.

Work was carried out in the week and looks like there where obvious places

where the water was getting in.

Dinghy Park

Phase 1 – moving racking for sculls and repositioning of club boats completed.
Phase 2 –Revised quote for racking from dinghy park co-ordinator, Keith Jones.
Visits by Keith to the supplier ensured that we have precisely the fittings and tube
lengths needed for the intended location.





Date of next committee meeting
14 th March 2022 at 7.30.p.m.